We are finally able to confirm the senior training schedule for the new season!
As many of you are aware, the availability of a number of our regular pitches has been uncertain over the last few weeks, and we have been working hard to prepare for the season.
In putting the schedule together, we have taken input from the club survey we ran earlier in the year, alongside coach availability and we feel is an improvement on last season. London Wayfarers now have access to the pitch at Bank of England Sports Centre which means none of our ladies’ sessions end late in the evening.
All training sessions start week commencing September 7th. Be aware there are some alternating slots.
We are still in the process of finalising the coaching line up and GK Academy which will be communicated ahead of the season. We are also currently reviewing our Back to Hockey programme which is likely to return early 2021.
Given the current situation regarding Covid-19, only those registered with the club, and who have completed the England Hockey declaration in advance, can attend training. Please also remember to check in/self-declare at the start of each session.
Finally, we are still looking for new players to join to ensure we have full squads across the club, so please encourage people to register interest here. Our Membership Administrator Paul Bentley will send them invites to appropriate training and other joining/Covid-19 details.
We look forward to seeing everyone out on the pitch soon!