We are pleased to announce that Phil Ball will be coaching the London Wayfarers Men’s 1s for the 2018/19 season.

Phil joins the London Wayfarers from Wimbledon Hockey Club. He is an England Hockey level 2 coach brings a huge amount of hockey experience, both on and off the field.

He has played at the top level in 3 different countries, including Rott-Weiss Munich in the Bundesliga in Germany and playing for Wimbledon 1s where he won back-to-back Premier League titles in 2015 and 2016.

Speaking about his experience, Phil said: ‘My style is based on what I have learned from the countries I have played in, gaining best practice from many different sports. I want to use this experience to support the coaches, developing London Wayfarers Hockey Club as a whole.’

After picking up a stick for the first time aged 13, he became part of the Sussex junior hockey program at 14. He then went on to play regional hockey for the University of Bath as a student where he won two West Conference titles with our very own Tim Davenport (Director of Junior Hockey).

Phil says that his career highlight was scoring past Mannheim HC goalkeeper in penalty shuffles to get into the semi-final of the European Cup. He also featured a handful of times in the England A set up and GB development squad.

Phil has always been involved in coaching all age groups and is looking forward to the challenge that lies ahead at London Wayfarers Hockey Club and its ambitions for getting promoted to national league over the next few seasons.

With Kaye Goulding (Ladies 1s coach), Tim Davenport and the other coaches Phil is looking forward to developing a winning strategy for fast aggressive and exciting hockey.

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