Once again London Wayfarers Hockey Club are providing First Aid courses to members, parents, coaches and volunteers! All free of Charge of course as Safety is important to us all!

Every session and team should have at least one qualified first aider on the pitch in case of injury. It could make all the difference in the recovery time for players, coaches or officials. This bespoke course covers emergency first aid including CPR and takes about 3 hours. Certificates last for 3 years but anyone wishing to attend a refresher within that time is welcome to sign up. Courses are interactive and are led by Emma Hammett’s team of highly experienced trainers who have been training London Wayfarers’ players, coaches and parents for the last 3 years.

The course starts at 7.00pm upstairs at the Draft House Westbridge.

You could make all the difference whether it is on the hockey pitch or anywhere else in daily life. Why not take this opportunity to pick up some very useful knowledge?

For more details and/or to book your FREE place please contact our Club Welfare Officer Penny Stubbs.

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King’s House

King’s House School Sports Ground
Riverside Drive
Chiswick, London, W4 2SP

Battersea Park

Battersea Park
SW11 4NJ


St Francis Xavier 6th Form College
10 Malwood Road
SW12 8EN


Blagdons Sports Ground
Beverley Way
New Malden

Dulwich College

Dulwich College Sports Club
Pond Cottages
SE21 7LE

Streatham & Clapham

Streatham & Clapham High School
42, Abbotswood Road
SW16 1AW

Kennington Park

Kennington Park
Camberwell New Road
SE11 4AS