The Ladies 5s fell short this weekend with a frustrating 1-0 loss against Team Surrey Spartans.

The team started the game with a strong line up achieved lots of width in the early stages, with the midfield and strikers working well with each other. The opposition managed to get a sneaky goal just before half time.

Following half time the team fought hard and had some near misses on goal (and two unlucky shorts). Some great forward play was accentuated by some outstanding defence by our backs however, ultimately the team was unable to score and they eventually lost 1-0.

Amy Isabelle had a player of the match performance for a great debut for the Ladies 5s, with some solid defending. The same can not be said for Libby Swan, who stacked it spectacularly on the pitch.

The Ladies 5s are confident for a win in their next game against Camberley and Farnborough Ladies 1s.

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