The Barbarians fought back from 0-1 down to win 3-2 at Kennington Park.

The team achieved a victory despite the team’s captain, Iain Warwick turning up 20 minutes late for the game after sleeping in from the night before – in classic Barbarians style.

Striker Tam McGregor pulled London Wayfarers level before Will Denton put the team ahead with a slick, slap finish.

Tam added to his tally (his first goals of the season) to bring the scores to 3-1 before Slough added a second. This added to a nervy final 7-8 minutes before the end, with Slough coming close to equalising as the ball trickled along the goal mouth – all the no avail.

The win meant they are now at the top of the league, having won three out of four games this season.

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